Danny Vera Signature Jumbo


Diese Gitarre wurde nach den persönlichen Vorlieben von Danny Vera gebaut.
Wenn nicht auf Lager ± 5 Monate Lieferzeit

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Artikelnummer: HS_VERA_S Kategorien: , ,

1 vorrätig

Shape Cutaway Top wood (solid) Rosette Back & side wood (solid) Side sizes Back (body) Purfling Armrest Binding Style Nut width Neck & heel Fretboard wood Number of frets Fretboard inlay decoration Purfling Binding Fretwire Shape Headstock Overlay/verneer Peg head Head custom brand/ornament Colour headstock overlay Colour neck Colour top (body) Colour side and back (body) Finishing headstock overlay Finishing neck Finishing body Pickup Nut & saddle Pickguard Special remarks
Jumbo No Cutaway Adirondack AAA Gold MoP Rosewood Standard Jumbo Three pieces Gold MoP No armrest Flamed Maple Slim Shape (Taylor style) 44,45mm Mahogany 1 piece Ebony (V end) 20 (14 from nut to body) V MoP Gold (see picture) No Flamed Maple, on the end (V) FromMaple Sintoms 2.3 Bronze Closed Headstock Dark Ebony (nearly black), with purfling (Gold MoP) and binding (Flamed Maple) Grover Imperial tuners Gold Homestead "V" with Danny Vera initial decoration from Gold MoP (see picture) and Gold MoP purfling and Flamed Mapple binding Dark Ebony (nearly black) (NC paint) Darker in tone with the same back and side of the body (NC paint) Warm sunburst bohlam (see picture) NC paint Natural (NC paint) Gloss (NC Paint) Satin (NC Paint) Gloss (NC Paint) LR Baggs VTC Bone Custom Ebony with Gold paint frame (see picture) Dark ebony (nearly black) "Fretwire: Bronze 2,3mm Custom bridge with Gold MoP inlay (see picture) Headstock, Fretboard, Bridge and Pickguard the same colour (dark ebony) NS Paint"

Zusätzliche Informationen


Black, Sunburst


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